vendredi 28 juillet 2017

failed() never triggered in laravel 5.4

Hi guys I am just using queues with Laravel 5.4 for the first time and I am having issues.

I can't seem to have failed() be triggered. Do I need to call it manually if something goes wrong? what I am doing is throwing exceptions in handle() in my job if something doesnt go right, I have my failed() function reverting everything i did but nothing is executed, not even a simple echo. I have tried with

public function failed() // doesnt work
public function failed($exception) // doesnt work
public function failed(Exception $exception) // same as doc, doesnt work

It never gets triggered..

If someone can point me in the right direction that would be awesome.

(Running the queue with php artisan queue:work database -queue=publish


via Chebli Mohamed

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