lundi 28 août 2017

insert data into spesific table with jquery laravel

I've 2 tables, and i'm to trying pass table value from controller into spesific table, but data show inside both table


public function user_ajukan_uji_ajax(Request $request)
            foreach ($user as $key => $user) 
        return response($output); 

//script for pass value into table

 <script >
                    'type' : 'get',
                    'url' : '',
                    'data' : {'search' : $value},
                    success : function(data){

//my table that i want to pass the value into it

<table id="data_tampil_pengguna_ajukan_uji" class="table table-responsive display" data-form="data_pengguna" style="width:100%">
            <tr class="danger">
                <th>Nomor Telepon</th>
                <th>Tanggal Bergabung</th>

Please help me.. every question is very appreciate..

via Chebli Mohamed

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