jeudi 7 septembre 2017

How to change empty datatable message into an image?

I use these code to customize my datatable.

    "language": {
        "lengthMenu": "Menampilkan  _MENU_  Baris",
        "zeroRecords": "Data Tidak Tersedia",
        "info": "Menampilkan Halaman _PAGE_ Dari _PAGES_",
        "infoEmpty": "Data Tidak Tersedia",
        "infoFiltered": "(filtered from _MAX_ total records)",
        "oPaginate": {
        "sNext" : "Selanjutnya",
        "sPrevious" : "Sebelumnya",

but they just change the language of my datatable menu. and my question is how to change a ZeroRecords message into an image? I want my datatable show an image when empty. Please somebody help me. thank's anyway

via Chebli Mohamed

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