samedi 2 septembre 2017

JWT Authentication user_not_found Tymon

I have set up Tymon Package for JWT Authentication. In case of new user sign up or login I get the token successfully. But when I pass the token to the Laravel JWT I get an error as user not found.

controller code

public function authenticate()
        $credentials = request()->only('user_name','password');
            $token = JWTAuth::attempt($credentials);
                return response()->json(['error'=>'invalid_credentials'],401);
        catch(JWTException $e){
            return response()->json(['error'=>'something went wrong'],500);
        return response()->json(['token'=>$token],200);

    public function register()
        $user_name = request()->user_name;
        $c_name = request()->company_name;
        $accessibility_level = request()->accessability_level;
        $password = request()->password;
        $contact_number = request()->contact_number;
        $address = request()->address;

        $user = User::create([

        $token = JWTAuth::fromUser($user);

        return response()->json(['token'=>$token],200);

no problem with the above code works fine.

But when I try to access some data with JWT validation I get an error as USER_NOT_FOUND. I have passed the Token which I have got as an header through Postman.

Route Code


And the jwt.php is also set with the correct identifier which I have used in the model(Primary key)

'identifier' => 'user_name',

via Chebli Mohamed

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