mercredi 6 septembre 2017

Laravel 5 Joining Tables and Calculating Fields

I have 2 tables which have been joined.

Table : affiliate
Fields : company,affid
|company|affid            |
|Test1       | t1              |
|Test1       | t2              |

Table : applicant
Fields : affid,commission

|affid         |commission |
|t1             | 25              |
|t2             | 30              |

Each company has for example 2 affid's.

So company name : Test1
Has affid : t1,t2

What i am trying to do is pull a table that shows the company name and its total commission.

|Test1       | 55              |

This is what i have , what changes do i need to make ?

        $data = DB::table('applicant')
            ->select(DB::raw('company,SUM(commission) as commission,'))

via Chebli Mohamed

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