mardi 27 février 2018

Laravel Query Builder with MySQL date in between

I need to inject one WHERE clause into my existing query builder. The new WHERE condition makes me stuck on how to integrate with my existing query model.

AND (rpt_content_main.dt_added BETWEEN CURDATE() - INTERVAL $duration DAY AND CURDATE())

The existing query model

$report_items = RptContentMain::with(['UsrStudentMain'])
        ->leftJoin('rpt_content_type', 'rpt_content_type.type_id', '=', 'rpt_content_main.report_type_id')
            'q' => \Request::get('q'),
            't'   => \Request::get('t'),
            'pzaction'   => \Request::get('pzaction'),
            'duration'   => \Request::get('duration'),

How I can achieve this without break my existing query model?

via Chebli Mohamed

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