samedi 28 avril 2018

Laravel eloquent: Multiply two columns of two different tables and display

Carts table columns :


Pricing table column :


Both table do not have any relationship defined.

In cart controller

public function cart($sp_id, $service_id)
     $prices = DB::table('pricings')->where('pricings.sp_id', '=', $sp_id)->get();
     $cart = DB::table('carts')->where('carts.service_id', '=' , $service_id)->where('carts.sp_id','=', $sp_id)->where('user_id', '=' , auth()->id())->orderBy('id', 'desc')->take(1)->get();
     return view('user.cart')->with('prices', $prices)->with('cart', $cart);

How do I calculate total amount of order?

If column dryclean has value of none then total is 0. else total will be

carts->q_Shirt*prices->Shirt +
carts->q_Pant*prices->Pant +

This code is just for understanding of how I am calculating total

Please help me write code in laravel controller to calculate total and how to display it in view.

via Chebli Mohamed

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