jeudi 31 mai 2018

laravel dusk and if else statements

I am using laravel dusk to test local websites, there is this one submit that can either go to one of 2 pages and I am wondering if someone could assist me with that.

I am using an if elseif statement but it is not working to see what the next url path begins with

 $this->browse(function (Browser $browser) {

                            ->type('@enter-city', 'Location')
                        ->type('@enter-postal-code', '0165')

       //                   prevet or step 3 forms in application B
                if ($URL = $browser- 
>assertPathBeginsWith('/application/prevet')) {
                    $browser->screenshot('Prevet form')

                } elseif ($URL = $browser- 
>assertPathBeginsWith('/application/step3')) {
                    $browser->screenshot('step3 form')
                        ->assertSee('Personal Documents')

via Chebli Mohamed

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