vendredi 29 mars 2019

Laravel - Return the manipulated value from a collection

I would like to manipulate a value from a collection! I receive the stylenumber as 12345-D-002. I have to explode this on "-" to have the first part of the stylenumber.

Collection-Code from Model Order:

public static function getPicklistToday($date)
        $sql = "
                oxid_orderarticles.OXARTNUM as style,
                sum(oxid_orderarticles.OXAMOUNT) as ANZAHL,
            FROM oxid_orderarticles
            LEFT JOIN oxid_import
                ON oxid_import.oxid = oxid_orderarticles.OXORDERID
                WHERE DATE(oxid_import.imported) = :date
            GROUP BY oxid_orderarticles.OXARTNUM
            ORDER BY oxid_orderarticles.OXARTNUM ASC
        $pick = DB::select($sql,[':date'=>$date]);

        return $pick;

This is the method, which should explode the returned 'style' from the query, also in Model Order:

    public function getParentStyle()

        $parent = explode("-",$this->style);

        return $parent[0];

Method in the OrderController:

    public function today()
        $today = Order::getPicklistToday(Carbon::now()->format('Y-m-d'));

        return view('',compact('today'));


Part of the view today.blade.php:

    @foreach($today as $pos)
      <td><i class="far fa-square"></i></td>

I receive the following error message:
Call to undefined method stdClass::getParentStyle() (View: /var/www/html/app/resources/views/order/today.blade.php)

How should the method getParentStyle() look like to get my code running?

via Chebli Mohamed

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