dimanche 23 juin 2019

View not updating after redirect

I'm developing a simple ticket purchasing app using Laravel.

I'm having trouble to update the view after the users have selected the tickets to purchase where doesn't matter whether what type of redirect I used in ajaxRequestPost, the view still stuck at / instead of redirect to payments/{id}.

However, I did get a return of the file payments.index but the view did not update to the returned content.


Route::resource('/', 'TicketController');
Route::post('createOrder', 'OrderController@ajaxRequestPost');
Route::get('/payments/{id}', 'PaymentController@show');


public function index(){
        $tickets = Ticket::all();

        return view('tickets.index', compact('tickets'));


public function ajaxRequestPost(Request $request)
    $input = $request->all();

    for($i = 1; $i < 4; $i++){
        if($input['ticket_'.$i.'_q'] != 0) {

            $spkAdmin = new Order();
            $spkAdmin->ticket_id = $i;
            $spkAdmin->quantity = (int)$input['ticket_'.$i.'_q'];
            $spkAdmin->total = (int)$input['ticket_'.$i.'_t'];
            $spkAdmin->user_id = $input['user_id'];

            $orders = array(
                'id' => $i,
                'quantity' => (int)$input['ticket_'.$i.'_q'],
                'total' => (int)$input['ticket_'.$i.'_t']

    return redirect()->action(
        'PaymentController@show', ['id' => $input['user_id']]


public function show($id)
    $orders = DB::table('orders')->where('user_id', $id)->get();

    return view('payments.index', ['orders' => $orders]);

via Chebli Mohamed

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