lundi 2 septembre 2019

How to alter onDelete('RESTRICT') to CASCADE

In laravel 5.8 app I create a migration with table :

    Schema::create('reserves', function (Blueprint $table) {


        $table->decimal('vat', 12, 2)->nullable();
        $table->timestamp( 'created_at')->useCurrent();

        $table->index(['storage_space_id', 'reserve_date'], 'reserves_storage_space_id_reserve_date_index');
        $table->index(['storage_space_id', 'reserve_out_date'], 'reserves_storage_space_id_reserve_out_date_index');


and now deleting row from storage_spaces I get “Integrity constraint violation” error when there are related rows in reserves. I know that I need to alter onDelete to “CASCADE”, but I do not can in be done with migration ? If yes how ?


via Chebli Mohamed

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