lundi 2 septembre 2019

how to transfer by a Website created on laravel through cpanel without having any error

i have a website which is created (not by me) on laravel . i download every thing from existing hosting . Then i uploaded to another free webhosting services for educational purpose. but i am getting a error " Whoops, looks like something went wrong" .

before path was /home/gry - (folder like app,bootstrap,config,database....) and /home/public_html -(indexpage , assets ...etc)

and there is .htacess file which have rewrite function

Newer path was /home/htdocs/gry and /home/htdocs/public_html

i already tried to edit index path "require DIR.'/../gry/bootstrap/autoload.php'; " to require DIR.'/../../gry/bootstrap/autoload.php'

also same to bootstrap/app.php

still i am getting the error " Whoops, looks like something went wrong" . , can you tell me step by step what i have to do , or if u need some files to check i can attach

via Chebli Mohamed

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