samedi 29 février 2020

laravel public variable for different controllers

I want to set a public variable so I can use it in different controllers. I tried this but it is not successful.

class HomeController extends Controller
 public $TravelId;
public function __construct()

then I used the same variable in another contorller

class HomeController extends Controller
public function index($cus_id)
    //unique key for each user
    $this->TravelId = $cus_id;
class Helper

{public static function Update($id){

$user_idd = auth()->user()->id;
 $user = User::find($user_idd);
 if ($user->isAdmin ==1){ 
  $user_id = $this->TravelId;
  self::$staticTravelId = $user_id;
   $user_id = $user_idd;

I want to use the user_id Inside the public variable here

via Chebli Mohamed

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