lundi 30 mars 2020

How can i use scope in laravel query builder

I use laravel query builder instead Eloquent. Now, i have a lot of repeating joins. How can I use them without standard models scope in my query?


public function getAllUserCourses(int $user_id)
    return $this->scopeQueryUserToCourse()
            ->where('user_course.user_id','=', $user_id)

public function getUserCourse($course_id,$user_id)
    return $this->scopeQueryUserToCourse()
            ->where('user_course.user_id','=', $user_id)

private function scopeQueryUserToCourse()
    return DB::table($this->table)
            ->join('user_course', $this->table.'.id','=','user_course.course_id')
            ->where('status','=', self::STATUS_ACTIVE_ID);

via Chebli Mohamed

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