mardi 21 juillet 2020

Laravel Eloquent select where latest equal to value

I have two MySQL tables, the second table recorded the states of an attribute of the first table, I need to get all the records of the first table where the last state of the attribute from the second table is equal to value, how to do it with eloquent ?

here is my code that I need to add the condition to :

function getMaterielForAff(Request $request)
    $data = Materiel::join('Types', 'Materiels.type_id', '=', 'Types.type_id')->join('Users', 'Materiels.user_id', '=', '')->join('Journal_etat_materiels', 'Materiels.mat_code', '=', 'Journal_etat_materiels.mat_code')
        ->select('', 'Materiels.mat_code', 'Materiels.mat_designation', 'Materiels.mat_ns', 'Materiels.imei1', 'Materiels.imei2', 'Types.type_designation', 'Materiels.mat_description', 'Materiels.mat_carac', 'Materiels.note', 'Users.username', 'Materiels.mat_date')->whereNotIn('Materiels.mat_code', explode(' ', $request->mat_codes));
    return DataTables::of($data)
        ->addColumn('check', function ($check) {
            return '<input type="checkbox" required="required" name="check" class="check" id="' . $check->id . ' value="' . $check->id . '">';

via Chebli Mohamed

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