vendredi 11 septembre 2020

Laravel route group controller

I'm using Laravel 5.5 and wonder if I can not only group routes by name prefixes and route prefixes but also controllers since they all use the same controller. The documentation didn't provide anything the like. In Laravel 4 there were implicit controllers available by using Route::controller() but that's not what I'm looking for since this won't be implicit. To cut a long story short, here's what I currently have:

Route::group([ 'prefix' => 'my-route', 'as' => 'myRoute.' ] , function () {
    Route::get('/{viewMode?}', 'MyRouteController@index')->name('index')->where('viewMode', '[a-z]+');
    Route::get('/ajax', 'MyRouteController@ajax')->name('ajax');

And it should look something like that:

Route::group([ 'prefix' => 'my-route', 'as' => 'myRoute.', 'controller' => 'MyRouteController' ] , function () {
    Route::get('/{viewMode?}', 'index')->name('index')->where('viewMode', '[a-z]+');
    Route::get('/ajax', 'ajax')->name('ajax');

Is there a way to achieve this kind of behavior?

Thanks in advance!

via Chebli Mohamed

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