mercredi 3 mars 2021

Link MySQL user account with Google

DISCLAIMER: I am still in the theory stage of trying to accomplish this and I am not getting any results from searching.

N.B. I am using Laravel with a MySQL DB.

Good day, I have a MySQL DB setup with a user (John Doe) with login credentials ( password) and has specific roles and permissions.

Is there any way to have John Doe log in with Google and have that Google login linked to the MySQL user "John Doe".

My thinking for this would either be

  • Once signed in with MySQL credentials, have the user "Link" their Google account to MySQL account by storing the Google ID in the MYSQL user table. Then when sign in with google, look for that google ID in the user table to find the linked user.

Again, I am still in the theory and researching stages of developing this and would like any feedback on this method or if there is a better way.

Thank you.

via Chebli Mohamed

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