samedi 13 janvier 2024

Laravel livewire How to show data in table according to date

hello im new for laravel livewire im trying to foreach data to table by date wise.

EXAMPLE I taken attendance on 1/1/24 table header show DATE-1/1/24 AND ROW Show that date record if we not taken attendance on 2/1/24 than table Hader show DATE-2/1/24 AND ROW Show - means attendance not taken


   |  name    |    STD_ID   |    DATE-1/1/24   |   DATE-2/1/24 |  DATE-3/1/24 | DATE-4/1/24 |
   |  john    |    STD_01   |         P        |       -       |       P      |      A      |
   |  sean    |    STD_02   |         P        |       -       |       P      |      P      |

enter image description here

  $this->Data= Attendance::get();
  //This Code Use For Multiple Coleman Marg In single row by student_id 
 $grouped =  $this->Data->groupBy('student_id');
 $this->Attendance_Data = $grouped->all();


  @foreach ($this->Attendance_Data as $key=>$Attendance_Datas)                                          
 @foreach ($Attendance_Datas as $key=>$Attendance)
   <td> </td>
</table> `


id  |     name      |student_id   |  date_of_attendance |   attendance |
1   |    john       |    STD_01   |     2024-01-01      |       P      |
2   |    john       |    STD_01   |     2024-01-03      |       P      |
2   |    john       |    STD_01   |     2024-01-04      |       A      |
3   |    sean       |    STD_02   |     2024-01-01      |       P      |
4   |    sean       |    STD_02   |     2024-01-03      |       P      |
2   |    sean       |    STD_02   |     2024-01-04      |       P      |

i tryid in if and else but not get proper result

via Chebli Mohamed

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