lundi 28 septembre 2015

Laravel load settings from database

I'm looking for an efficient way to load settings/configuration from the database with Laravel 5. Settings consist of a key and value column, the model class basically looks like this:


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Setting extends Model
    protected $table = 'settings';
    protected $fillable = ['key', 'value'];
    protected $primaryKey = 'key';

At first I made a simple helper function which does the job. The problem is, this would lead to multiple calls per page request. Which is getting slow.

 * Get the value for the given setting from the database.
 * @param  string  $key
 * @return string
function setting($key)
    $setting = Setting::whereKey($key)->firstOrFail();

    return $setting->value;

// $foo = setting('foo'); returns 'bar'

In an attempt to improve this I creating a custom class called Setting within the App\Classes directory (and also created a Facade for it):


namespace App\Classes;

use Cache;

class Setting {

     * The array of settings
     * @var array $settings
    protected $settings = [];

     * Instantiate the class.
    public function __construct()

     * Pull the settings from the database and cache them.
     * @return void;
    protected function loadSettings()
        $settings = Cache::remember('settings', 24*60, function() {
            return \App\Setting::all()->toArray();

        $this->settings = array_pluck($settings, 'value', 'key');

     * Get all settings.
     * @return array;
    public function all()
        return $this->settings;

     * Get a setting value by it's key.
     * An array of keys can be given to retrieve multiple key-value pair's.
     * @param  string|array  $key;
     * @return string|array;
    public function get($key)
        if( is_array($key) ) {
            $keys = [];

            foreach($key as $k) {
                $keys[$k] = $this->settings[$k];

            return $keys;

        return $this->settings[$key];


// $foo = Setting::get('foo');

And now for my question: is this the best way to tackle this problem? I'm now caching all the settings when the class gets constructed. And then retrieve setting values from the cache after that.

I'm beginning to understand the Repository pattern in L5, but I'm not there yet. I thought that would be overkill in this case. I would love to hear if my approach makes any sence.

via Chebli Mohamed

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