vendredi 29 avril 2016

Displaying loading animation while waiting

I have a button like so

{!! link_to_route('jobs.createJob', 'Create Job', $job->id, array('class' => 'btn btn-info')) !!}

So this route calls a function which does something like this

public function createJob(Job $job) {
    $createJob = Helper::createNewJob($job);
    $createJobXML = new \SimpleXMLElement($createJob);
    if($createJobXML->Status == 'OK') {
        $job->jobNumber = $createJobXML->Job->ID;
        if($job->update()) {
            $assignStaff = Helper::assignStaffToJob($job);
            $assignStaffXML = new \SimpleXMLElement($assignStaff);
            if($assignStaffXML->Status == 'OK'){
                $createQuoteForJob = Helper::createQuoteForJob($job);
                $createQuoteForJobXML = new \SimpleXMLElement($createQuoteForJob);
                if($createQuoteForJobXML->Status == 'OK'){
                    $job->quoteId = $createQuoteForJobXML->ID;
                    if($job->update()) {
                        return View::make('', compact('job'));
    return View::make('', compact('job'));

So there is quite a lot going on which involves hitting several API methods to insert data into a system. This process can sometimes take a few seconds, and I do not want them being able to click the submit button again, so I want to show them a loading screen while this happens.

If I was making this request via ajax I could simple use ajaxStart and ajaxComplete. However, I am not using ajax, so is there another way I could do this within Laravel 5?


via Chebli Mohamed

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