mercredi 4 mai 2016

handle multiple returned data in $http.get() in vuejs

My controller needs to return two variables to the $http.get() function: how do i access both the returned data in the function?. I am mentioning my code below (the code below handles only one data returned): My vue instance:

var vm = new Vue({
    el: '#userMgt',
    data: {

    methods: {
        fetchUser: function () {
            this.$http.get('../api/users', function (data) {
                this.$set('users', data)
    ready: function () {


Then my controller returning the value:

public function index()
        $userRecords = AdminUser::LeftJoin('pltblusertype', 'tbluser.usUserTypeID', '=', 'pltblusertype.utID')
            ->select('', 'tbluser.usName', '', 'pltblusertype.utName')

        $roles = Role::all();

        return compact('userRecords','roles');


via Chebli Mohamed

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