mercredi 9 novembre 2016

Creating An extension installer for a cms using laravel 5.3

Hello So I am creating basic cms which is in laravel 5.3 that I want to use for a lot of my sites I work on in the future. Currently, I have created the core back-end with creation of articles and cateogries and a settings handler. However I want to the rest of the back end features to be installable like an extension for other CMS. All i would have to do is drop a Zip folder with a json or xml file to state some basic info and then it will automatically create the routes and templates that maybe needed. An example of what I want is a media manager extension. This could be what the json file would look like:

    "ExtensionName":"Media Manager",
    //Routes in the admin area. First is the route the second is the class

This is only a quick example of what I think should happen. But i want all this to be added with me needing to code it over and over again from one site to the other. What is the best way of handling this. However this is up to change depending. Please redirect me to tutorials if needed. But I am having troubles figuring this out.

Thank you

via Chebli Mohamed

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