mercredi 9 novembre 2016

How to create Token-Based Authentication(oauth2) for AngularJS and Laravel Apps via passport

I created an web app which it uses laravel default registration(auth), I've tested passport oauth2 client access token from taylor tutorial. My web app uses angular js for UI and laravel for backend , so I need to create user, when create user request is sent from angular and then create a global access token to give it in my response to angular which then in all later request I use it to authenticate requests.

actually I want to implement oauth2 authentication for my web app, but so far I've searched a lot but I couldn't find any useful step by step tutorial for it.

anyone can help me out?

FYI: I'm using laravel 5.3 with passport enabled and angular js 1.5 for frontend.

via Chebli Mohamed

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