lundi 14 novembre 2016

Laravel 5 Intervention create directory uploading image - NotWritableException

I am trying to upload and resize an image in Laravel 5 and the Intervention library.

My code in the Controller is this:

 // Upload img
    if ($req->hasFile('img')) {
        // Original
        $image = Image::make(Input::file('img'));
        // Mid sized
        $image_mid = $image->fit(500,500, function($constraint) {
        // Thumbnail
        $image_thumb = $image->fit(100,100, function($constraint) {
        // Path
        $path = public_path('upload/artists/' . $id . '/profile/');
        if (!File::exists($path)) {
            File::makeDirectory($path . 'original', 0775, true, true);
            File::makeDirectory($path . 'midsize', 0775, true, true);
            File::makeDirectory($path . 'thumb', 0775, true, true);
        // Save images
        $image->save($path . 'original/' . $imgName);
        $image_mid->save($path . 'midsize/' . $imgName);
        $image_thumb->save($path . 'thumb/' . $imgName);

I am already trying to create de directories before moving the image, but it still gives me the same error, that I don't have permissions to move the image to that folder "NotWritableException".

Before using Intervention library, I was moving the image with the ->move() method and it was creating the directory if necessary.

I would really appreciate some help.. Thank you all in advance!

via Chebli Mohamed

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