I'm trying to create a very complex query, I've simplified it as much as possible (2 select statements, are concatenated to the main query), the code below, works only If there are no "date" parameters sent in the request, When parameters sent, I got an error "SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2031"
I think the problem is in toSql() method, but I don't know what else could I use to solve that?
// 1st select statement
$earnQuery = DB::Table('san_charity_point_earn')->select('charity_id','earn_date',DB::raw('count(user_id) as users,sum(points) as earn_points,count(transaction_id) as earn_trans'))
->where(function($q) use($request){
// filter paramters
// 2nd select statement
$redeemQuery = DB::Table('san_charity_point_redeem')->select('charity_id','redeem_date',DB::raw('sum(points) as redeem_points,count(transaction_id) as redeem_trans'))
->where(function($q) use($request){
// filter paramters
//full Query
$charities = DB::table('san_charity')->select('san_charity.charity_id','title_ar','title_en',DB::raw('
COALESCE(users,0) as users,
COALESCE((earn_trans+redeem_trans),0) as transactions,
COALESCE(earn_points,0) as earn_points,
COALESCE(redeem_points,0) as redeem_points'))
->leftJoin(DB::raw('('.$earnQuery.') earn'),function($join){
->leftJoin(DB::raw('('.$redeemQuery.') redeem'),function($join){
via Chebli Mohamed
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