vendredi 11 novembre 2016

Laravel artisan command giving error

Hi I am new to the command line and I need help with Laravel artisan comman giving me following error, when I try to run:

 "artisan list"

I get the follwoing error:

The use statement with non-compound name 'Request' has no effect

How can I fix it? if I run composer -V its working fine:

here is my .bashrc looks like:

# .bashrc

# Source global definitions
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
  . /etc/bashrc

 # User specific aliases and functions
 alias composer="php -d allow_url_fopen=On /home/username/composer.phar"
 alias composer="php -d allow_url_fopen=On /home/username/composer.phar"
 alias composer="php -d allow_url_fopen=On /home/username/composer.phar"
 #alias composer="php -d allow_url_fopen=On /home/relfollo/composer.phar"  source /home/relfollo/.bashrc
 alias composer="php -d allow_url_fopen=On /home/relfollo/composer.phar"
 alias composer="php -d allow_url_fopen=On /home/relfollo/composer.phar"
 alias artisan="php /home/relfollo/relproject/artisan"
 #alias artisan="php /home/relfollo/relproject/artisan" source /home/relfollo/.bashrc
 #alias artisan="php /home/username/project/artisan"
 #alias artisan="php /home/relfollo/relproject/artisan"
 #alias artisan="php /home/relfollo/project/artisan" source /home/relfollo/.bashrc
 #alias artisan="php /home/relfollo/relproject/artisan" source /home/relfollo/.bashrc
 alias artisan="php /home/relfollo/relproject/artisan"

please help me thank you

via Chebli Mohamed

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