vendredi 11 novembre 2016

Laravel cannot open blade.php, permisson denied

I am having the following issue when trying to host my Laravel application.

ErrorException in FileViewFinder.php line 137: View [main] not found. (View: /home/someuser/somefolder/resources/views/pages/about.blade.php)

I am pretty sure, that all of the directories, and files are exist! Also, after when I tried to change the permission to give writable permissions, I've just mess up my welcome.blade as well. enter image description here

Any help, would be greatly appreciated.

Also, I already tried: Laravel :: Permission Denied on blade.php

Neither 777,775 nor 755 changed anything. Neither php artisan cache:clear. The user group must be correct (because I didn't change it all), but despite of the writable permissons it doesn not work anymore.

via Chebli Mohamed

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