I've created a basic blog with Laravel, then when I tried to add the delete method to the 'show' view, but after I confirm the deletion, nothing happens further.
The route looks like:
DELETE | articles/{articles} | articles.destroy | App\Http\Controllers\ArticlesController@destroy
My code looks the following:
In the view called 'show', where the selected article is displayed, below I wanted to add the link like:
{!! link_to_action('ArticlesController@destroy', 'Delete Article', $article->id, ['method'=>'DELETE', 'class'=>'btn btn-danger', 'onClick'=>'return confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this item?")']); !!}
In the ArticlesController, I've written the 'destroy' function just like:
public function destroy(Article $article) {
return redirect('articles')->with([
'flash_message' => 'Article successfully deleted.',
'flash_message_important' => 'true',
via Chebli Mohamed
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