jeudi 10 novembre 2016

Outputting Relation after Select - Eloquent Laravel

I have a laravel application and I've created a relationship between one table and another.

The relationship is a hasOne on my OrderDetail Model

public function customer()
    return $this->hasOne('App\Customer', 'CU_ACC_CODE', 'OD_ACCOUNT');

I'm performing a query on my OrderDetail

    $orders = OrderDetail::where('OD_ENTRY_TYPE','S')
                            DB::raw('CASE WHEN SUM(OD_QTYORD)=SUM(OD_QTYRESERVED)THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS FullAllocated'),
                            DB::raw('SUM(OD_QTYORD) AS Ordered'),
                            DB::raw('SUM(OD_QTYRESERVED) AS Allocated')
                        ->with(['customer' => function($query) {


And I'm not getting anything back from the customer relation?

The result is null, but I know the relationship is indeed working and there is a link between the two.

Any ideas?

via Chebli Mohamed

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