jeudi 10 novembre 2016

Route cloud not find driver

I am new whit Laravel and write my first route , but have my first problem.

Server : Php5.6 + Mysql + apache2 , Linux Mint

First install whit :

 composer create-project laravel/laravel test 5.0 --prefer-dist

And permisions in :

 chmod 777 -R ./storage/ && chmod 777 -R ./bootstrap/

In route php

Route::get('/test',function (){
    echo "Batman like the black color.";

This can go to direction localhost/<nameproyect>/test. This not go , but i write for check this route is create fine , write php artisan route:list.

This is a broblem:

  could not find driver

In php.ini , i have :

extension =
extension =

via Chebli Mohamed

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