lundi 14 novembre 2016

Why is Angular converting string value to an array?

I have an Angular js and Laravel app. One of my form feilds is an ng-options driven select. The values are strings but when I post using, one of the values seems to be getting converted to an array.

I have this in my js controller for the options;

    $scope.periods = [
    {label: '1'},
    {label: '2'},
    {label: '3'},
    {label: 'OT'}

This is my view for the select;

<select ng-model="egoal.period"
        ng-options="period.label as period.label for period in periods"
        class="form-control game-control"

And then this in the controller to post;

  $scope.changeGoal = function() {
        var egoal = this.egoal;
        $'api/editGoal/' +, egoal)
            .success(function () {
                $scope.egoal = {};

Oddly, when I dump the $request, I get period => [] and then this error;

ErrorException in helpers.php line 685: preg_replace(): Parameter mismatch, pattern is a string while replacement is an array

Been looking at this for a long time now. What could be causing this? Thanks!

via Chebli Mohamed

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