mardi 27 décembre 2016

How to have multiple layers of hasMany() relation for Laravel 5?

Let say I have tables like the following:

 order_id | customer_name | delivery_address        
 1        | David         | ABC Road, DEF district 
...........Some other record ..............

order_id | dish_id | dish_name
1        | 1       | chicken wing
1        | 2       | meat pie
1        | 3       | onion ring
...........Some other record ..............

dish_id | ingredient
1       | chicken wing
1       | salt
1       | oil
2       | pork meat
2       | flour
3       | onion
...........Some other record ..............

In Laravel 5, if I want to get all dishes of an order, I can do:

$order = Order::hasMany('App\OrderDish', 'order_id')->get();

Is there a way I can get all ingredients needed for an order in one line?

via Chebli Mohamed

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