mardi 28 février 2017

Stylesheet is not loading in laravel 5

I have two routes


which return the memberProfile blade. It works fine. But the other one


which sends the request to memberController from where it returns the memberProfile blade. But this time the blade could not load the master layouts stylesheets. Instead of searching the stylesheets in path

it search the css in a path like

. here is web.php

Route::get('/test', function () {
    return view('members.memberProfile');

and memberController class

public function memberProfile(Request $request){
        $id = decrypt($request->id);
        $Member = Member::find($id);
        $MemberProject = Member::find($id);
        $MemberPublication = Member::find($id);
        return view('members.memberProfile',['members' => $Member , 'memberProject' => $MemberProject , 'memberPublication' => $MemberPublication]);

What is the problem

via Chebli Mohamed

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