vendredi 3 mars 2017

Trying to get property of non-object - laravel - elasticsearch

Trying to get property of non-object (View: C:\xampp\htdocs\elasticsearch\resources\views\presult.blade.php) (View: C:\xampp\htdocs\elasticsearch\resources\views\presult.blade.php)

Please help me .......

 $query = Input::get('query', false);
   $brans = request()->priceFilter;

        $product = "";
         foreach($brans  as $data){
           $minMax = explode("-",$data);

          $client = ClientBuilder::create()->build();
          $product[] = $client->search([
            "index"=> "my_custom_aficaa",
                                    "query"=> "casablanca"
                                ] ],
                                "filter" => [
                                     ["range"=> ["minrate"=>["gte"=> $minMax[0],"lte"=>$minMax[1]]]],

                    "from" => 0,


    $books = $product[0];
        $books= $product[$i]

    if ($request->ajax())
            return view('presult', compact('books'));
   return view("welcome")->with('books',$books);
    $books = Afica::search()
 return view("welcome")->with('books',$books);


In the view :

  @foreach($books as $Afica)

        <article class="one-third">
          <figure><a href="#" title=""><img src="}" alt="" style="height: 215px!important;" /></a></figure>

          <div class="details">

              <span class="stars">


                  for ($i=1 ; $i<=$Afica->class ; $i++) 
                  echo ' <i class="material-icons">&#xE838;</i>';

            <span class="address">},}  <a href="">Show on map</a></span>
            <span class="rating">}</span>
            <span class="price">Max rate  <em>$ }</em> </span>
            <span class="pricee">Min rate  <em>$ }</em> </span>
            <div class="description">
              <p>}<a href="hotel?query=}">More info</a></p>
            <a href="}" title="Book now" class="gradient-button">Book now</a>
        </article><?php $myArray[] = $Afica->id;?>


via Chebli Mohamed

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