mercredi 3 mai 2017

how do i combine 2 tables and order it

so i have 2 tables :

StockIn :

id   quantity   date        status
1    10         2017-05-01  1
2    20         2017-05-04  1
3    30         2017-05-06  1

StockTrf :

id   quantity   date        status
1    11         2017-05-02  1
2    21         2017-05-03  1
3    31         2017-05-05  1

i want to combine these 2 table into 1 table that ordered by date like:

id   quantity   date        status
1    10         2017-05-01  1
1    11         2017-05-02  1
2    21         2017-05-03  1
2    20         2017-05-04  1
3    31         2017-05-05  1
3    30         2017-05-06  1

i have no idea how to combine it.. can someone help me? thank you! i am using laravel 5.2 btw, so if you know a better way to combine it with laravel syntax, i would appreciate it..

via Chebli Mohamed

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