lundi 28 août 2017

Laravel how to pass the name of the user when I sent the forgot password function

I want to make my mail more detailed when the user has sent a forgot password reset link to his/her email. This is the sample of the picture when receaving a reset password link.

enter image description here

I want to add some details here that the Hello should be Hello! (user name here)

Here is the code that I added in my SendsPasswordResetEmails.php

public function sendResetLinkEmail(Request $request)

        // We will send the password reset link to this user. Once we have attempted
        // to send the link, we will examine the response then see the message we
        // need to show to the user. Finally, we'll send out a proper response.
        $response = $this->broker()->sendResetLink(

        $applicant_name = Applicant::where('email', $request->email)->get()->value('name');

        return $response == Password::RESET_LINK_SENT
                    ? $this->sendResetLinkResponse($response)
                    : $this->sendResetLinkFailedResponse($request, $response);

and it should pass the data to my email.blade.php in my vendor/notifications/email.blade.php


@if (! empty($greeting))
@if ($level == 'error')
# Whoops!
# Hello! $applicat_name // Name of the applicant to be passed in after sending reset password request

@foreach ($introLines as $line)


    switch ($level) {
        case 'success':
            $color = 'green';
        case 'error':
            $color = 'red';
            $color = 'blue';
@component('mail::button', ['url' => $actionUrl, 'color' => $color])


@foreach ($outroLines as $line)


@if (! empty($salutation))

Regards,<br>CCTV Team

If you’re having trouble clicking the "" button, copy and paste the URL below
into your web browser: []()

I think I messed up with here. Would really appreciate if someone could help. Thanks in advance.

via Chebli Mohamed

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