lundi 25 septembre 2017

Integrating AWS Services like Kinesis, KMS in to Laravel 5 framework

It appears that some of the Laravel 5 inbuild services (facade) component does not provide any hooks (at least based on my limited knowledge) to run some of the services on AWS backend . I am talking about placing Eloquent Models on MongoDB (RDS is not an issue) or using some of facade like logs (which is monolog)component on AWS Kinesis streaming/logging services.

It appears that most of the AWS based service development are shifting to either nodejs or Java (because of either lack of interest in PHP world to provide documentation and examples in this regard) and php and php based frameworks are way behind the curve. I hardly see any out of the ordinary discussion or working example of using Laravel5 with AWS.

Are there any guidelines or best practices available and documented that provide a path for a new developers for how to consume AWS service in Laravel 5?

via Chebli Mohamed

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