I have a project based on Laravel 5.5. In this project, I want to add tempusdominus bootstrap-3 datetimepicker. Since this package does not have npm
installer, I installed bower
then installed it like so
npm install -g bower
bower init
bower install tempusdominus-core#latest --save
Now the package is installed in a bower_components
folder of my Laravel project. However, I am unable to require this package into my app.js file.
window.datetimepicker = require('tempusdominus/core'); window.datetimepicker = require('eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker'); window.datetimepicker = require('/bower_components/tempusdominus-core/build/js/core.min.js');
I tried requiring the package using the following but Laravel Mix keeps failing to compile and gives me the following error
This dependency was not found: * /bower_componenets/tempusdominus-core/build/js/core.min.js
This is how I run Laravel-Mix
npm run watch
How can I successfully require a package that was installed via bower into Laravel Mix?
via Chebli Mohamed
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