i'm trying to create a custom check with laravel. I adding this in LoginController
public function customchecker()
$credentials = [
'username' => Input::get('username'),
'password' => Input::get('password')
if (Auth::attempt($credentials)) {
return Redirect::to('account')->with('alert-success', 'You are now logged in.');
$errors = new MessageBag(['password' => ['Email and/or password invalid.']]);
return Redirect::back()->withErrors($errors)->withInput(Input::except('password'));
and here is my route
Route::get('/', function () {
return view('welcome');
Route::get('/home', 'HomeController@index')->name('home');
But i get an error , here is my error
Symfony \ Component \ HttpKernel \ Exception \ MethodNotAllowedHttpException No message
so, how can i fix this ?
via Chebli Mohamed
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