jeudi 2 novembre 2017

Laravel with Angular Request Issue

I've this on my Laravel controller:

    public function store(CreateRequest $request)
        // Create a random password
        $password    = str_random(6);
        $encPassword = bcrypt($password);

        // Add password to the request to save it on createOrUpdate method
        $request->request->add(['password' => $encPassword]);



If I made a request from postman I get the right response, like:

array:3 [
  "email" => ""
  "roles" => "1"
  "password" => "$2y$10$qdnk6TX09pxd35v5mvTtfOEChV3ADbV0h3Q2WSc8g4R7F2UbuoENu"

but when I try to make the request from the angular application, this is the response I get:

array:2 [
  "email" => "",
  "roles" => "1"

Anyone have an ideia why the $request->request->add['password' => $encPassword]); is not working on angular app?

Headers for postman

Accept application/json

Content-Type application/json

Headers from Angular application

Accept:application/json, text/plain, /



If I do this dd($request->request->all()); it works for both Angular and Postman, but doesn't make any sense to me why works on one and on the other don't.

Thank you all!

via Chebli Mohamed

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