samedi 25 novembre 2017

What happened to Laravel's Eloquent public static function "create" in Model.php?

In previous versions of Laravel 5.x (I'm not sure when it was changed) I was able to call static method create on any Eloquent Model class to insert records into a database.

For example:

    'name' => self::ADMIN_NAME,
    'email' => self::ADMIN_EMAIL,
    'password' => bcrypt(self::ADMIN_PASSWORD),

That was calling public static function create in Model.php (vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Model.php).

public static function create(array $attributes = [])
    $model = new static($attributes);


    return $model;

In Laravel 5.5 I'm still able to call create however Model.php is totally rearranged and does not contain this method. What's more important, searching within whole vendor / Illuminate gives me nothing like that. Please explain, how it still works, what it calls behind the scenes.

enter image description here


via Chebli Mohamed

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