samedi 2 décembre 2017

How to access varible inside orWhere() in laravel query builder|Laravel

I am trying to build little complex query where wvery thing wan OK untill i tried to use a advanced where condition.
In the code below I am getting an error saying

ErrorException: Undefined variable: user in file D:...**\app\Http\Controllers\ApiAuthController.php on line 285

and the line 285 is $query->where("tbl_transactions.from_user_id", "=", $user->id) inside the orWhere()

 public function loadTransactions()

        $token = JWTAuth::getToken();

        $user = JWTAuth::toUser($token);

        return DB::table('tbl_transactions')
            ->join('tbl_users as fromu', '', '=', 'tbl_transactions.from_user_id')
            ->join('tbl_users  as tou', '', '=', 'tbl_transactions.to_user_id')
            ->select('', 'tbl_transactions.from_user_id', 'tbl_transactions.to_user_id', 'tbl_transactions.amount', 'tbl_transactions.created_at', 'tbl_transactions.status', 'fromu.userid', 'tou.userid', ' as tophone', ' as fromphone')
            ->orWhere(function ($query) {
                $query->where("tbl_transactions.from_user_id", "=", $user->id)// here the problem is (undefined **$user**)
                    ->where('tbl_transactions.to_user_id', '=', $user->id);
            ->orderBy('', 'desc')


I am new to laravel.Anyone here could help me would be great.

via Chebli Mohamed

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