lundi 29 janvier 2018

Larvel Mocking interfaces inside controllers

I am trying to write some unit tests for my controllers.

I have implemented an interface and repository, this is passed in to the controller via Dependancy Injection

I have written a unit test that mocks the interface and New's up an instance of a controller.

My test is falling with the following error

Mockery\Exception\InvalidCountException : Method find(<Any Arguments>) from Mockery_0_App_Interfaces_VenueRepositoryInterface should be called
 exactly 1 times but called 2 times.

Ultimately i want to check then when the index method is called on the controller, then it interacts correctly with the interface hence the desire to mock it. I will write further tests to actually test the interface implementation.



namespace Tests\Unit;

use \Mockery;
use Tests\TestCase;
use App\Http\Controllers\VenueController;

class VenueControllerTest extends TestCase

protected $venueRepositoryInterface;

protected $mock;

    public function setUp()

            $this->mock = \Mockery::mock('App\Interfaces\VenueRepositoryInterface');

    public function tearDown()

    public function testControllerIndex()

       $venueController = new VenueController($this->mock);




namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Interfaces\VenueRepositoryInterface;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class VenueController extends Controller

protected $venueRepository;

    public function __construct(VenueRepositoryInterface $venueRepository)
        $this->venueRepository = $venueRepository;

    public function index()
        return view( 'venue');



// app/Repositories/Contracts/VenueRepositoryInterface.php

namespace App\Interfaces;

interface VenueRepositoryInterface
    public function find($id);
    public function findBy($att, $column);



// app/Repositories/venueRepository.php
namespace App\Repositories;

use App\Interfaces\VenueRepositoryInterface;
use App\Venue;

class VenueRepository implements VenueRepositoryInterface
    protected $venue;

    public function __construct(Venue $venue)
        $this->venue = $venue;

    public function find($id)
        return 2;

    public function findBy($att, $column)
        return $this->venue->where($att, $column);

via Chebli Mohamed

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