mardi 20 février 2018

Count enum column values - Laravel, Eloquent

Below is one of the object present in array.

         "name": "..."
                  "is_reg":"1"          //ENUM Value Check 

I am trying to loop through Relation3 objects and do a count++ if pivot column is_reg is 1 but for some reason regardless the value I get the count.

Meaning, if is_reg = "1" or "0" count results to +1. The reason is_reg values is in double quotes because the data-type is enum.

How to do a check when using enum and count++?

my code

  $total = 0;
    foreach($Relation1 as $rel1){
        foreach($rel1->Relation2 as $rel2 ){
            foreach($rel2->Relation3 as $rel3){
                if($rel3->wherePivot('is_reg', '1')){
                    $total += 1;

I also tried:

$Relation = Relation1::with(['relation2', 'relation2.relation3' => function($query){
  $query->select( DB::raw('SUM(is_reg) as total'))->wherePivot('is_reg', '1');

I tried with and without single or double quotes but I guess my checks are simply adding +1 to count when if object is present in Relation3.

via Chebli Mohamed

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