lundi 12 février 2018

Laravel 5 PHPUnit Testing - Wrapping All Tests Within a Controller Into a Single Transaction

I have the following test file in my Laravel application:

use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\WithoutMiddleware;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\DatabaseMigrations;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\DatabaseTransactions;

class ApiAuthControllerTest extends TestCase{

    use DatabaseTransactions;

    private $token;

    public function testLogin(){

        // Test login success
        $response = $this->json('POST', '/login', array(
            'email' => '',
            'password' => 'sometext'
        $this->token = $response['token'];


    public function testLogout(){

        // Test logout success
        $this->json('DELETE', '/logout', array(
            'token' => $this->token



I am using the DatabaseTransactions class to wrap my tests as transactions so they don't write to my database. I noticed that using this class will wrap every individual test within my class as a transaction.

I would like to wrap the entire class as a transaction. In my example above, I need for the token that was generated from my login request to be persistent in the database as I test the logout request.

How would I do this with Laravel?

via Chebli Mohamed

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