mardi 6 février 2018

Laravel separate backend and frontend

while building with Laravel probably you may have faced the same situation where you have a RESTful service with JSON replies and, at the same time, you need to have a frontend able to consume those APIs to offer a web interface.

Now, the most obvious solution would be to use Laravel Blade template engine and to diversify routes according to the address (/resource or /api/resource).
However, this approach brings in an additional burden, directly reflected in controllers, where are you have to consider not only the reply itself but also whether it comes from a device or from the web interface and reply accordingly.

I have also seen a lot of frontends actually detached from the backend and built using serverless technologies such as Angular or React, so that both the web interface and the mobile app consume the same APIs and the backend can be much simplified.

Let's take as an example a "Uber for..." service consisting of a native app, a PWA and an admin interface (web), which approach would be the most advisable and why?

via Chebli Mohamed

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