mardi 20 février 2018

Trying to get property of non-object on Laravel 5

Thank you for all the help in the past. On my app, when i try to view a certain blade, it returns the error

"Trying to get property of non-object".

It has pointed me to the blade and the section of code where the error comes from:

 <?php $__empty_1 = true; $__currentLoopData = $item->activation_pins; $__env->addLoop($__currentLoopData); $
                        <td><?php echo e($loop->index + 1); ?></td>
                        <td><?php echo e($itm->pin); ?></td>
                            <span class="label label-<?php echo e($itm->is_active ? (  $itm->is_valid ? 'info' : 'danger' )$
                            <?php echo e($itm->is_active ? (  $itm->is_valid ? 'active' : 'expired' ) : 'inactive'); ?>

                            <?php echo e($itm->user_id ? $itm->user->email : '-'); ?>

                <?php endforeach; $__env->popLoop(); $loop = $__env->getLastLoop(); if ($__empty_1): ?>
                        <td colspan="6">
                            <p class="text-center">No Activation Pins</p>
                <?php endif; ?>



With emphasis on:

<?php echo e($itm->user_id ? $itm->user->email :     '-'); ?>


Could I be missing something? Thanks.

via Chebli Mohamed

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