I have a members website and I need to send out 2 email upon user registration.
- Welcome email to new user (This is fine)
- Notice email to admin notifying them of the new user.(Need Help)
I'm using Events and Listeners to do this. I can currently send both emails to the new registered user so I believe my issue is with the Mail::to function
Here is what is currently working, but it's sending to the new registered user.
I need it to go to admin@mysite.com. How can I hardcode in that email, or grab the user with admin privileges from my users table?
Could I do something like this:
Mail::to($event->user->username('admin')->email)->send(new NewUserCreated($event->user));
The above gives me an error: Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::username()
Listener: SendNewUserCreated.php
public function handle(NewUser $event)
Mail::to($event->user->email)->send(new NewUserCreated($event->user));
Mail: NewUserCreated.php
public function build()
return $this->subject('Custom Subject Here')->markdown('emails.staff.newusercreated');
Mail Blade: newusercreated.blade.php
# A new user has registered on Website.
Please check that the following credentials match your records.
- **User Name:**
- **Full Name:**
- **Email:**
- **4 Digit Pin:**
- **Street:**
- **City:**
- **State:**
- **Zip:**
@component('mail::button', ['url' => 'http://wesite.oo/admin'])
Grant Access
Thank You,<br>
*, Notifier*
via Chebli Mohamed
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