jeudi 31 mai 2018

How to accept and process external request in Laravel

Its probably been asked a million times but I can't seem to get the right answer!

How would I make a request to a laravel application externally and process it?

This is what I have so far (built from other stack overflow questions),

My Website

//Send details to Laravel System
$url = 'http://mylaravelsystem.fake/processExternalData';
$data = array('firstname' => $name_first, 'lastname' => $name_last, 'email_address' => $email, 'method' => 4);
$options = array(
        'http' => array(
        'header'  => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n",
        'method'  => 'POST',
        'content' => http_build_query($data),

$context  = stream_context_create($options);

My Laravel application

Routes > api.php

Route::post('/processExternalData', 'OptController@insertViaRequest');


    //First create new candidate
    $user = new Candidates;
    $user->firstname = $request->firstname;
    $user->lastname = $request->lastname;
    $user->email_address = $request->email_address;
    $user->created_by = 1;
        Log::info((array) $user->save());

My task is to be able to send a POST Request to my laravel application and insert it into the database. Am I missing something with the CSRF Token?

Sorry if this is a stupid question, I just can't seem to figure it out!

via Chebli Mohamed

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