samedi 30 juin 2018

Uploading data from excel to MySQL DB with Laravel and Maatwebsite\Excel

I am working on a application, in which the users can extract data from excel file to MySQL DB. The application will check every row of ID collunm from excel file with content_id table of the database. If any ID matches any record of DB, then the row will update. Otherwise it will create a new record in DB. This is the code of my function in controller:

public function upload(Request $request)

        Excel::load($request->file('excel')->getRealPath(), function ($reader) {
            foreach ($reader->toArray() as $key => $row) {
                foreach ($row as $record => $info){
                    if ($content = Content::find($info['id'])) {
                        $content = new Content();
                        $content->title = $info['title'];
                        $content->content_id = $info['id'];

    return redirect()->back();


But it shows error as like below: enter image description here

I have tried to find the error by using dd() and print_r(). But cannot find what is the problem. Along with this, I am also confused about the quality of my code as I am using foreach loop in another foreach loop. So, does anyone have any solution? Thanks in advance. I am using Maatwebsite\Excel to handle excel import/export etc.

via Chebli Mohamed

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